"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given then to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing." - Ali

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday Workout: Part III

My Afternoon workout before dinner was a P90X Chest and Back Routine.  If you have P90X at home, this is the first DVD of the series.  Since I'm not on technically on the program, I decided to throw in this chest and back routine on the same day that I did my arms an legs.  This way, I complete a full body workout.  The program alternates between push and pull motions.  My regimen was as follows:

60 Regular Pushups
15 Wide Front Pullups
50 Military Pushups
15 Reverse Grip Wide Chin-ups
50 Wide Fly Pushups
15 Closed Grip Overhand Pull-ups
35 Decline Pushups
10 reps w/ 50lb PowerBlock (Dumbbell) Arm Rows
40 Diamond Pushups
10 reps w/ 60lb PowerBlock (Dumbbell) Lawnmower (per arm)
10 Dive-Bomber Pushups
10 Back Flys w/ 25lb PowerBlock (Dumbbell)

Here is where the X comes into play on this program... I repeat the same exact routine TWICE.  Except the second time, I do all the back workouts first, then chest second.  For instance I start with Wide Front Pull-ups, then do Regular Pushups, etc.  As an extra challenge, I did all my pushups using the "Perfect Pushup" handles which gave me full arm rotation motion and worked out more muscle fibers in my chest.

Boy was I tired, but it hurt SO good!

For dinner I had 6oz lean flank steak, salad and some rice pilaf.

And yes, I still have one more workout to go later tonight.  The plan is either Kempo X or Wii Cardio.  We shall see!


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