"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given then to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing." - Ali

Friday, March 5, 2010

Power Balance

Last year, a few co-workers of mine came into my office and asked me to stand up. Since these guys are constant jokesters, I figured they were going to somehow make me do something that would end up placing me in an embarrassing situation for their enjoyment. Either way, I still stood up. One of them asked me to stand on my left foot and extend my arms out to the side. So, me being a fool, did what he asked me to do. He asked me to push up with my left arm as he pressed down on it. When he did this, I tipped over and nearly fell. Then, he handed me a bracelet and told me to hold it with my right hand and try the same thing again. This time, when he pressed down with all his might, I didn’t tip over. In fact, I was standing perfectly on one leg. When he did that, I immediately looked at the bracelet to make sure it didn’t have the sign of the devil on it or some sort of witchcraft!
He proceeded to do the following tests on me:


The results I had were exactly the same as in the video. CRAZY!

So how does this work?
According to the Power Balance website, Power Balance is:

“Performance technology that uses holograms embedded with frequencies that react positively with your body’s natural energy field to improve balance, strength, and flexibility. Most everything has a frequency inherent to it. Some frequencies react positively with your body and others negatively. When the hologram comes in contact with your body’s energy field, it allows your body to interact with the natural, beneficial frequency stored within the hologram. This results in improved energy flow throughout your body.”

Immediately, I went on-line and ordered a bracelet of my own and was anxious to try it in other areas of my daily life and workout routines. The first thing I thought about was using it during Yoga. At the time, I was on a P90X program and Yoga X was always the most difficult program for me as it requires a lot of balance and flexibility. As soon as I got my bracelet, I did Yoga. I tried some of the exercises without the bracelet and then with the bracelet and WOW. It was amazing to see the people on the video shaking and nearly tipping over, while I stood there calmly and was able to have better range of motion, flexibility and balance. Not only that, but it also helped me with my dumbbell chest presses, pull ups, etc. It allowed me to have more control on all my workouts AND provided more endurance during my jogs or P90X cardio sessions.

Recently, I went rock climbing with a good friend of mine and he had a hard time climbing a wall which was next on his challenge list.

Alan Rock Climbing w/o Power Band Bracelet

Since I had the bracelet with me, I asked him to try climbing with the bracelet on just to see if it helped. Well, the next video will show you the results.

Alan Rock Climbing w/ Power Band Bracelet

A lot of people have been asking me what do I get for promoting this product and my answer is NOTHING. I’m not trying to promote a product to gain any monetary rewards. Instead, I am trying to spread the word on something that has helped me and other people I know. If you have poor balance like I do and need something to help you, I highly recommend a Power Balance product. Check out their website and see for yourself!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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