"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given then to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing." - Ali

Thursday, April 8, 2010

P90X Day Three & Four: Arms/Yoga

P90X Day Three & Four: Arms & Shoulders / Yoga X

Arms: On Wednesday, I worked out my arms and shoulders and I LOVED IT. This by far is one of my favorite workouts as my favorite muscle to work is my biceps and triceps. I really noticed a lot of burn in my shoulders as well and since that is a connector muscle, I want to make sure I focus on that area as much as possible during these first three weeks.
The workout was not as tough as the first two, but I did notice that my triceps were still pretty sore from the Chest workouts from Monday. However, I pulled through and made sure I used a lighter dumbbell on my tricep extensions. One thing I will advise (as conceited as this may sound) it's always good to do shoulder and arm workouts in front of a mirror. You get to see the muscle fibers reacting to the exercise which in turn gives you motivation!
Overall, the workout was a success with very little set back.

Yoga: Today was Yoga day. For someone like me who is usually very active and likes to be challenged, Yoga can prove to be a challenge. Not only is it an hour and a half, but it also is a very calm, smooth workout. But don't let it fool you, you will be sweating bullets mid way and everything will be hurting.

Personally, I found some of the balance routines a bit difficult. However, as soon as I grabbed my Power Balance necklace, it made all the workouts much easier. Yoga X will really push you to the limits, but afterwards it feels SO good and your whole body feels relaxed. Another plus was that it really helped me stretch my quads which were still pretty sore from Plyometrics.

Overall, GREAT Yoga workout.

How is your week going?

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