"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given then to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing." - Ali

Sunday, April 4, 2010

P90X Challenge

It's X TIME!  Spring is here and in full swing which means Summer is around the corner.  Not only is Summer near by, but I'm turning 30 in 5 months.  They say that 30 is the "over the hill" milestone and it is a fact that your body starts to change and "slow down" after that.  With THAT in mind, I'm going to make a valiant effort to get into the best shape of my life by that date.

I will be 30 on August 26th so that gives me a little under 6 months to complete this goal. Whether or not I attain the goal I'm mentally setting for myself remains to be seen, however based on my 30 day experience with P90X last Summer, I'd say it is very realistic.  Which is why starting tomorrow, April 5th, 2010, I am starting once again my P90X program.  This program will push me to the limit every day for the next 90 days and will be a great way to attain my fitness goals.  The following will be my weekly workout regimen for the next 3 weeks (phase 1).  You will see that I've added a 2nd daily workout as a way to push myself a little more and keep all my muscles warm day in and day out:

P90X SCHEDULE (Phase 1)

Monday AM: Chest & Back w/ Ab Ripper X
              PM:  Interval Training

Tuesday AM: Plyometrics
              PM: 30 Min. Chest workout with PowerBlocks

Wednesday AM: Interval Training
                   PM: Arms Workout w/ Ab Ripper X

Thursday AM: Bicep Workout with PowerBlocks
               PM: Yoga X

Friday AM: Interval Training
           PM: Legs & Back w/ Ab Ripper X

Saturday AM: P90X Kempo
               PM: PerfectPushup workout

Sunday AM: Stretch & Rest

As I've said before, these goals are always easier with support so I'm reaching out to all of you to do this with me if you have P90X at home or use whatever workout plans you have!  The objective is to be active throughout this Spring and Summer!  Let's make this the best year of your life and feel great!  Who is with me????


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